Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.

Do Your Best, Then Rest


When you have done the best that you can, allow the universe to do the rest. The universe is working in tandem with you to create the best possible outcome for you. So surrender your best to the universe once you’ve done your Best!

What You Resist Persist!


In Relationships, What You Resist Persist! Whether you’re in a toxic relationship, or going through a bad breakup, your actions will determine your outcome. If you choose to hold onto all the bad that happened, constantly replaying the negative events in your mind, then you will remain stuck in bitterness and confusion. If you choose to see the bad breakup as a hard life lesson and embrace it with love, then you can recover much quicker and attract goodness your way. What You Resist Persist!

A New Day Always Bring A New Perspective

The saying “sleep on it and things will be better in the morning”, well maybe not “better” but definitely different. It’s when you surrender your mind and body to the universal flow that things no longer seem impossible to understand and resolve. When sleeping you’re no longer struggling to figure out or control a situation. My suggestion is to “sleep on it” when you need a new perspective.

What Surrender Feels Like for Me

The past two days have deepened my understanding of what surrender feels like to me.  Having to fly home over the weekend to be with family, my plane arrived at my destination around 10:47pm only to find out that the person picking me up was waiting for me at an airport two hours away.  I calmly thanked him for being timely, in another city, and proceeded to reach out to other family members.  I was picked up within 30 minutes and had the best conversation that lasted until 5:30 am.  On my return home the next day we proceeded to the airport to catch my 6:45pm flight which was a two-hour drive on a good day, however it was raining heavily and traffic was moving extremely slow.  I told my family member to not rush and that “it is what it is”.  A quiet calmness came over me and I knew that everything was going to be alright.  Quietly the diesel trucks moved to the right lane and the rain softened.  We made it to the airport at
6:19pm.  I rushed through the airport only to realize that my flight was delayed for one hour.  I calmly sat down, took out my journal and began to write what surrender feels like to me.

How Do You Eat An Elephant? One Bite At A Time.

This past month I’ve experienced a lot of CHANGE.  A month ago I spent a lot of time stressing and dreading the overwhelming CHANGE I would encounter.  Eventually the CHANGE was upon me and all I could do was surrender and walk through it.  Surprisingly it wasn’t that bad at all.  Yes there was a lot to do within a certain timeframe, but I’m still standing!  What I’ve re-learned is that “don’t bite off more than you can chew”, and in time you can conquer anything placed before you!

A Lesson from my father about “Little Bo-peep”

The other day I was speaking with my father and he shared with me how a few days earlier he had lost the keys to one of his cars.  For several days he worried and searched for the keys with no satisfaction.  Finally he decided to stop worrying, simply because this was out of character for him, and just trust that the keys would show up eventually.  He went on to tell me that a day later as he was driving home from the store he heard a small voice telling him to reach underneath the seat and get his keys.  So once he reached home he did just that and got his keys.

 He laughed and said that this incident reminded him of the nursery rhyme “Little Bo-Peep”.   I laughed and started to recite the rhyme,

“Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep and doesn’t know where to find them.  Leave them alone and they’ll come home, bringing their tails behind them.”

 Such simple words yet so powerful! 

Be Willing To Stand Still For Your Blessings

In a world where “Doing” equates to:

  •     Making Things Happen
  •     Movers and Shakers
  •     Progress

 And “Inaction” equates to:

  •     Laziness
  •     Good for Nothing
  •     Stagnation

 But only when you Stand Still and quiet the mind can you hear your higher calling, the voice of the Almighty.