Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

Thoughts Become Things

This video features my dad [80+ years] speaking words I grew-up listening to.  As a youngster I didn’t quite understand the magnitude of his words, but as an adult it is crystal clear.  Whatever you hold in your mind, whether it’s a constructive or destructive thought, it will manifest in your life.  Simply put, Thoughts Become Things!

What Are You Bringing To The Table

Energy At Table II

Until you recognize the energy that you’re bringing to the table, you will always see life as happening to you.  I believe that we manifest what we hold in our hearts and mind.  When you aimlessly go through life jumping from one emotion to another not recognizing the thoughts or feelings that you’re holding, then you unknowingly create your reality.

For many years I would speak positive words throughout the day but at night before falling asleep I would daydream about relationship crises where I had to endure pain and humiliation.  These daydreams would be so vivid that I would sometimes cry myself to sleep.  During those years I found myself in unfulfilling and chaotic relationships.  I remember asking God why must I experience these tumultuous relationships, and what is the lesson I’m suppose to learn? As I prayed for something better to come, I continued daydreaming about pain and humiliation.  Wow! I truly wish that someone would have told me back then that thoughts and feelings become things.

My 15-year-old daughter constantly hear these words from me as she navigates high school, peer pressure and team sports. Whenever her words or even body language reflects something that I know she doesn’t desire, I give her that gentle reminder, Thoughts Become Things! What energy are you holding?


Thoughts Become Things Quicker Than You Think…

Haven’t you noticed, are maybe it’s just me, but things that we speak on or think about becomes reality very quickly.  Here are my thoughts:

More individuals are becoming aware that they are energy clothed in a physical body.  They realize that the body has limits but energy is forever.  The more people tapping into this higher level of energy increase the speed of simple ordinary requests manifesting almost immediately.  Remember the old saying “what goes around comes around”.  Well it’s coming pretty fast now, so be mindful of where you place your thoughts or should I say your energy

Mind Over Matter

The mind is a powerful instrument.  Whatever thoughts you play in your head is the background music to your life.  Thoughts of lack unfolds into not having enough of whatever it is that you want.  Thoughts of hatred towards others unfolds into self-hatred and disgust.  What’s in your head will soon be your reality.  Thoughts do become Things!

Walk by Faith and not by Sight

 I want you to catch the visual … you’re walking along a straight and narrow path and you can see everything in front of you.  Are can you?  The path that seems so clear and lay out in front of you suddenly takes a sharp right turn.  Wait, you didn’t see that coming did you? 

It’s those unexpected changes that lead us to believe that we lack control over our own existence.  But as I said in an earlier post “thoughts become things”.  So that “unexpected change” was created by you! 

Now you have an opportunity to create the change you want simply by focusing on it.  You don’t need to see it!  You just need to have Faith in the power to create!

Thoughts Become Things

Whatever you hold in your mind will manifest in your life. So ultimately you have created everything that you see in your life. That includes all the good things, as well as all of the bad things. All the craziness that’s going on in your life was created by you! No one other than yourself is responsible for what your life looks like. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, trust me I’ve swallowed many of these pills myself, but until you start to take ownership of your “stuff” you will forever be angry and complaining about how someone else caused you pain.