Sharing Love, Music, Poetry and Faith


For Valentine’s Day 2021, I’m sharing original poetry and music that focus on Love, Celebration and Faith. Celebrating Love, and Focusing on Faith. Check out the video above.

You Are Worthy Because You’re You!


You are worthy simply because you’re here. There are no special qualities or abilities you need to possess in order to be deem worthy. No one or nothing outside yourself can determine your worth. That is totally up to you. You were born Worthy.

3 Ways to Increase Self Love


When you have self-love, anything is possible. Love is the foundation on which everything is built. When you’re able to love yourself, you can receive love not only from others, but from the universe as well. The three ways that helped me increase my self-love was: 1) Telling myself each morning, in the mirror, that I Love Me; 2) Literally kissing myself throughout the day and telling myself that I Love Me; and 3) Posting written affirmations everywhere as a constant reminder of how much I Love Myself.

Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.

Impeccable Words


To be impeccable with your word is to come from Truth and Love. Speak truth to yourself and others. Speak from a place of love when addressing yourself and others.

Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT


My Poem, My Song “Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT” that speaks on fear and faith.

Never Run Back to What Broke You

Never Run Back to What Broke You

I ran across the words “Never run back to what broke you” a few days ago, and just like that song that keeps playing in your head that you heard on the radio, so to do these words keep resurfacing.

As I contemplate these reoccurring words, I instinctively know their meaning but then my ego jumps in, clouds my thoughts by creating false narratives and justifications as to why these words keep resurfacing.  I find myself going down the path of “I’m tired and that’s why I keep thinking of these words” or “they’re just words and have nothing to do with me.”  So many times I have returned to something that broke me and instead of walking away, I found myself seeking signs from the universe to justify my return, only to be broken again.  What I know for sure right now is that everything happens for a reason and these reoccurring words are a preamble from my higher state of consciousness.  How I choose to honor these words is totally up to me.  So as I’m washing clothes or driving my daughter to school and these words resurface, I choose listen to the words and I choose to feel the words. What I hear is don’t keep going back to a situation that’s full of empty promises.  What I feel is I deserve to be complete and whole, and I can’t be whole and broken at the same time.  When you reach this point it’s good to lean heavily on strength and courage.  This strength will push you when you’ve become to weak to move, and this courage will help you stay the course without looking back.  There comes a time when the sweetest thing you can do is love yourself.  When you truly understand this you will never return to what broke you ever again.

A Mother’s Strength and Love for Her Child

For the past several weeks I’ve been watching an 11-year-old boy courageously battle Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

StevensJohnson syndrome is a rare, serious disorder of your skin and mucous membranes. It’s usually a reaction to a medication or an infection. Often, it begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by a painful red or purplish rash that spreads and blisters.

I see machines assisting his body while I see him fighting to regain control of his body. His strength is undeniable and his courage is like a lion. As I watch this young boy make the long journey back to being the “A” student who loves school, the gamer who enjoys playing with his younger brother and friends, and the polite young man with a warm smile, I can’t help but notice his mother’s strength. I watch as she prayed for him, gently speaking words of encouragement and life into his ear. I watch as she touches his exposed finger and toe, causing his racing heart rate to slow down. As she listens to the doctor’s updates, realizing that his ICU residence and breathing tubes will last much longer then she had hoped, her strength and calm tone doesn’t waver in the presence of her son, but she is only human.

During the evening, away from her son, she texted, “I’m having a hard time coping with my fears”. Her seven friends texted back with words of encouragement and love. My text to her said:

(Name omitted) you know what fear is (false evidence appearing real). Release those thoughts and hold on to what God has placed in your heart and the heart of your son. Grace is all around you – your family, your friends and God! Hold on to that. Hold tight! The ride is filled with bumps and turns. It’s filled with highs and lows, but eventually it will stop and you will be able to get off and resume your life. Stay resolute while Grace covers you.

I understand that this life journey will sometimes bring you to your knees, but it’s how we get up and keep moving forward that defines us. I am humbled and grateful to be a witness and friend as both mother and son make this journey together.

Check out this book – Personal SJS Journey:
Who Could Have Imagined!: My Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Experience

Are You Ready for Love?

I was just listening to the song “I Am Ready For Love” by India Arie and the thought occurred to me, how many people are truly ready for love.  We may “say” that we’re ready but do our actions support our words?  In order to receive Love from outside of ourselves we must first show love to ourselves.  If you treat yourself unkindly such as: placing yourself last in most situations; beating yourself up for something you did or didn’t do; rejecting compliments by showcasing your inadequacies; or simply just not seeing the beauty in You.  All of these actions, fueled by your thinking, creates the environment that you’re not worthy of Love.  And so NO LOVE will appear, NONE.  You really have to show Love to yourself in order to receive Love from others.