What If 2020 is a Blessing in Disguise


If the year 2020 taught us anything, it has taught us how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Only when you’re uncomfortable does change happen. Within all of the pain and suffering that has emerged in 2020, seek one thing that you can be grateful for.

What You Resist Persist!


In Relationships, What You Resist Persist! Whether you’re in a toxic relationship, or going through a bad breakup, your actions will determine your outcome. If you choose to hold onto all the bad that happened, constantly replaying the negative events in your mind, then you will remain stuck in bitterness and confusion. If you choose to see the bad breakup as a hard life lesson and embrace it with love, then you can recover much quicker and attract goodness your way. What You Resist Persist!

Hopelessness vs Faith


When you’re down and weary, and you can’t see the light of day. Remember it’s always darkest before the dawn. Have FAITH that there will be a brighter day!!!