Stop Struggling With Money


The universe gives you exactly what consumes your thoughts. If you’re constantly thinking about not having enough money or how to get more money, then the universe will give you those exact experiences. The key is to replace the “not having” and “how to get” with gratitude for already having it. You may not see it, but it’s on the way!

Passion Leads To Purpose


Passion can lead to purpose. Passion is what gets you started, Purpose is what keeps you going. Three steps to help uncover your Purpose: 1) State your Intention; 2) Ask the Right Question; and 3) Nonattachment to the Physical Form.

Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.

My Tribute to the Late Great Nancy Wilson

I fell in love with music when I first heard Nancy Wilson’s voice at the age of three.  I knew then and there as I stood between my parents in the front seat of the car (no seatbelt laws then) eating boiled eggs as we traveled to Las Vegas that I wanted to sing just like her.  Well I’m an accountant/CPA, but I still love music!  Nancy Wilson may your soul be at peace as you rest in a higher place. Enjoy!



I find it comforting to know that on this day there’s an abundance of people giving Thanks and Gratitude for any and/or everything.  This overwhelming synchronicity of Giving Thanks has conspired with the Universe to make this a Very Blessed Day.  Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!


Last weekend I spent a few hours with several of my nieces discussing gratitude and thanksgiving.  As I listened to these young ladies, whose ages ranged from late teens to early twenties, I was humbled and filled with hope as they spoke their unapologetic truths with clear and concise visions of their goals and dreams.  No egos, arrogance or boisterous behaviors, just calm discourse with a few chuckles and giggles when placed in the spotlight.  As I took in their words and energy, one comment really made my heart smile.  My niece Jamillah shared with the group how she maintains a Gratitude Jar.  She said that her gratitude jar holds the smallest of things like “I had a delicious subway sandwich today” to “thank you for allowing me to wake-up this morning”.   She went on to say that “when I have a hard day I open up my jar, pour out the pieces of paper and read them.  As I read these gratitude notes, I’m reminded of how blessed I am and my hard day becomes softer and eventually goes away.” 

Gratitude Jar

Gratitude is the fastest way to manifest the things you want in your life.  When you give thanks for what you already have, then the universe aligns with that energy thereby giving you more to be thankful for.  The Gratitude Jar is a visual which many of us need, so thank you Jamillah I now have a Gratitude Jar as well.


Gratitude to All Mothers

A few days before Mother’s Day I was speaking to a young lady who had nothing positive to say about her mother.  No communication; not feeling loved; and no good memories of her mom; she felt justified in her feelings.  After she finished speaking I simply suggested that Gratitude towards her mother for being the Vehicle through which she gained entrance into this world seem appropriate to me.  No fanfare or flowers needed, just Gratitude.

Empty but Grateful

Feeling somewhat strange today (sort of numb and super sensitive at the same time).  I’ve been in deep thought about people in my life making that final transition from earthly body to heavenly body.  The sheer fact that their earthly body will no longer be visible leaves me  feeling empty.  I truly believe that we are spiritual beings having a human incarnation, but still picturing the world without them physically in it makes me feel empty.  So the only word that comes  to mind right now is “Gratitude”.  So grateful to have shared moments with them.

Gratitude is Thanksgiving

To me Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday because it promotes Gratitude for the simplest of things.  When you exist in the space of “Gratitude and Thanksgiving” greater good  and abundance can easily flow your way.

I’m Grateful that I understand this “Truth”!