You Are Worthy Because You’re You!


You are worthy simply because you’re here. There are no special qualities or abilities you need to possess in order to be deem worthy. No one or nothing outside yourself can determine your worth. That is totally up to you. You were born Worthy.

3 Ways to Increase Self Love


When you have self-love, anything is possible. Love is the foundation on which everything is built. When you’re able to love yourself, you can receive love not only from others, but from the universe as well. The three ways that helped me increase my self-love was: 1) Telling myself each morning, in the mirror, that I Love Me; 2) Literally kissing myself throughout the day and telling myself that I Love Me; and 3) Posting written affirmations everywhere as a constant reminder of how much I Love Myself.

Stop Struggling With Money


The universe gives you exactly what consumes your thoughts. If you’re constantly thinking about not having enough money or how to get more money, then the universe will give you those exact experiences. The key is to replace the “not having” and “how to get” with gratitude for already having it. You may not see it, but it’s on the way!

Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

Becoming Transparent


Becoming Transparent involves not reacting to low or negative energy from others. Your critique or judgement of someone else’s energy is non of your “Spiritual Business”. When possible, find a way to harmonize with others.

Do Your Best, Then Rest


When you have done the best that you can, allow the universe to do the rest. The universe is working in tandem with you to create the best possible outcome for you. So surrender your best to the universe once you’ve done your Best!


For the next 7 DAYS focus only on WHAT YOU WANT, not what you don’t want. I remember telling my niece many years ago that if you don’t like the color red then stop thinking about how you don’t like the color red. Choose another color to focus on, preferably one that you like. If you’re anti-war or anti-hunger then reframe your purpose to be PRO-PEACE OR PRO-ABUNDANCE. Remember WHAT YOU RESIST PERSIST! Don’t give your energy to the things you don’t want. 7 DAYS guys, let’s do this for the next 7 DAYS!

How Are You Using Your Energy?

As I posted earlier, Energy is Real.  So what’s going on in your head?

Are you:

  • Constantly Worrying
  • Stuck on Complaining
  • Held Back by Fear

Whatever you constantly think about will eventually manifest into your Reality.  And if you couple those thoughts with deep, strong feelings, then the manifestation will come about sooner and more intense.

So I ask again, What’s going on in your Head?


Energy Is Real

As I sit and type these words tonight, there is an Energy that surrounds me.  I can feel it and I can hear it.  I tried to block it, quiet it and ignore it, but it’s still there.

When unfamiliar things enter our lives it’s often uncomfortable, but the sooner we stop trying to label it and categorize it the sooner we begin to understand it.

So here I sit allowing this energy to consume me.  I surrender.