6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.

Never Run Back to What Broke You

Never Run Back to What Broke You

I ran across the words “Never run back to what broke you” a few days ago, and just like that song that keeps playing in your head that you heard on the radio, so to do these words keep resurfacing.

As I contemplate these reoccurring words, I instinctively know their meaning but then my ego jumps in, clouds my thoughts by creating false narratives and justifications as to why these words keep resurfacing.  I find myself going down the path of “I’m tired and that’s why I keep thinking of these words” or “they’re just words and have nothing to do with me.”  So many times I have returned to something that broke me and instead of walking away, I found myself seeking signs from the universe to justify my return, only to be broken again.  What I know for sure right now is that everything happens for a reason and these reoccurring words are a preamble from my higher state of consciousness.  How I choose to honor these words is totally up to me.  So as I’m washing clothes or driving my daughter to school and these words resurface, I choose listen to the words and I choose to feel the words. What I hear is don’t keep going back to a situation that’s full of empty promises.  What I feel is I deserve to be complete and whole, and I can’t be whole and broken at the same time.  When you reach this point it’s good to lean heavily on strength and courage.  This strength will push you when you’ve become to weak to move, and this courage will help you stay the course without looking back.  There comes a time when the sweetest thing you can do is love yourself.  When you truly understand this you will never return to what broke you ever again.

Is It My Heart or Is It My Head? Guess I Better Take My Temperature.

As I get questions from different people, I will try and share my responses here on my blog when time allows.

QUESTION:  How does one tell the difference between something God told you, and simply a realization of your own subconscious desires?

I remember telling my mom that I was on the spiritual journey that God presented to me, and her response was that I hope you’re listening to the right God. (smile)

The best way for me to discern whether it’s my Ego trying to stay relevant or the voice of God guiding me, is to take my temperature. 

 When it’s my inner voice, I feel free to act with no attachment to the outcome.  My body literally feels light as a feather.  Everything around me at that precise moment in time feels good.  It’s not an overwhelming feeling of goodness.  Instead it’s a gentle serene sense of goodness.

When I’m coming from my head the first thing I feel is tension in my body.  My mind usually plays out several scenarios trying to cover all bases just in case.  I find myself questioning myself just to make sure that I’m doing the right thing.

One requires Effort while the other requires No Effort.  You be the judge!