3 Ways to Increase Self Love


When you have self-love, anything is possible. Love is the foundation on which everything is built. When you’re able to love yourself, you can receive love not only from others, but from the universe as well. The three ways that helped me increase my self-love was: 1) Telling myself each morning, in the mirror, that I Love Me; 2) Literally kissing myself throughout the day and telling myself that I Love Me; and 3) Posting written affirmations everywhere as a constant reminder of how much I Love Myself.

Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

How to Avoid Messy Situations, Toxic People, and the Ego


Even when doing your best to avoid chaos and toxic individuals, messy situations can still happen. Never loose sight of who you are, and never let others change who you are. Analyze the situation, make the necessary changes and move on.

Becoming Transparent


Becoming Transparent involves not reacting to low or negative energy from others. Your critique or judgement of someone else’s energy is non of your “Spiritual Business”. When possible, find a way to harmonize with others.


For the next 7 DAYS focus only on WHAT YOU WANT, not what you don’t want. I remember telling my niece many years ago that if you don’t like the color red then stop thinking about how you don’t like the color red. Choose another color to focus on, preferably one that you like. If you’re anti-war or anti-hunger then reframe your purpose to be PRO-PEACE OR PRO-ABUNDANCE. Remember WHAT YOU RESIST PERSIST! Don’t give your energy to the things you don’t want. 7 DAYS guys, let’s do this for the next 7 DAYS!

What Are You Bringing To The Table

Energy At Table II

Until you recognize the energy that you’re bringing to the table, you will always see life as happening to you.  I believe that we manifest what we hold in our hearts and mind.  When you aimlessly go through life jumping from one emotion to another not recognizing the thoughts or feelings that you’re holding, then you unknowingly create your reality.

For many years I would speak positive words throughout the day but at night before falling asleep I would daydream about relationship crises where I had to endure pain and humiliation.  These daydreams would be so vivid that I would sometimes cry myself to sleep.  During those years I found myself in unfulfilling and chaotic relationships.  I remember asking God why must I experience these tumultuous relationships, and what is the lesson I’m suppose to learn? As I prayed for something better to come, I continued daydreaming about pain and humiliation.  Wow! I truly wish that someone would have told me back then that thoughts and feelings become things.

My 15-year-old daughter constantly hear these words from me as she navigates high school, peer pressure and team sports. Whenever her words or even body language reflects something that I know she doesn’t desire, I give her that gentle reminder, Thoughts Become Things! What energy are you holding?


The “Soul Mist”

I’ve heard about a lot of things when people transition from this life (i.e. vivid dreams of their loved ones, cold sensations embracing their bodies and more) but I had never heard of the Soul Mist until this past Sunday when my beloved cousin Joel made his transition.  My sister and brother performed CPR on my cousin Joel while waiting for the EMS to arrive.  They performed CPR for about 12 minutes and once EMS was there, they took over and continued to work on him for another hour.  Unfortunately EMS was unable to resuscitate him.  Later I spoke with my sister on the phone and she said “Cynthia I’m not sure what I saw, but while performing CPR on Joel I remember seeing a white puff of air come from his mouth.  It didn’t look like smoke, but more like a vapor”.  She then said that she asked my brother if he saw it too, he agreed.  They stayed up that night on the phone until about 5am reliving the whole situation.  I also stayed up researching what this could have been.  I reached out to my brother the following morning with an email where I included some information on “Soul Mist”.  His email response to me was ” I wasn’t going to say anything because I didn’t want (my sister) to think I was going out my mind but I’m thankful she saw it”.

The “Soul Mist” from what I researched is:

” In her journal, Louisa May Alcott, (below) the author of Little Women, wrote of being present at a deathbed and watching “a light mist” rise from the body, float up and vanish in the air.  Her mother saw the same thing and the attending physician told them that it was “the life” departing visibly.”

I also read this:

“that soul mist might be discharged quickly by some dying people – those better prepared to leave their bodies—and be very slowly discharged by most people, so slow that it isn’t noticeable”

This is all so new to me but yet comforting as well.  So I walk away somehow knowing For Sure that my cousin Joel is still with us, just in a different form.  Thank you Joel for continuing to keep us informed.  Bless You!

The Faster You Agree With Negative People, The Sooner They Leave

My dad told me something a long time ago that I continue to live by today.  He said “when approached by the devil, hurry up and agree with him so that he can get out of your way”.  When confronted with negative people, agree with them quickly so that the conversation ends quickly.  Many of us (myself included) debate with negativity somehow thinking we can change or make a difference, not realizing in that moment, the amount of mental, physical and spiritual energy being depleted from us.  It’s only after the conversation has ended that we feel drained.  To agree does not mean you’re compromising yourself, it means you’re preserving yourself for something greater.

How Are You Using Your Energy?

As I posted earlier, Energy is Real.  So what’s going on in your head?

Are you:

  • Constantly Worrying
  • Stuck on Complaining
  • Held Back by Fear

Whatever you constantly think about will eventually manifest into your Reality.  And if you couple those thoughts with deep, strong feelings, then the manifestation will come about sooner and more intense.

So I ask again, What’s going on in your Head?