You Are Worthy Because You’re You!


You are worthy simply because you’re here. There are no special qualities or abilities you need to possess in order to be deem worthy. No one or nothing outside yourself can determine your worth. That is totally up to you. You were born Worthy.

3 Ways to Increase Self Love


When you have self-love, anything is possible. Love is the foundation on which everything is built. When you’re able to love yourself, you can receive love not only from others, but from the universe as well. The three ways that helped me increase my self-love was: 1) Telling myself each morning, in the mirror, that I Love Me; 2) Literally kissing myself throughout the day and telling myself that I Love Me; and 3) Posting written affirmations everywhere as a constant reminder of how much I Love Myself.

Passion Leads To Purpose


Passion can lead to purpose. Passion is what gets you started, Purpose is what keeps you going. Three steps to help uncover your Purpose: 1) State your Intention; 2) Ask the Right Question; and 3) Nonattachment to the Physical Form.

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.

Impeccable Words


To be impeccable with your word is to come from Truth and Love. Speak truth to yourself and others. Speak from a place of love when addressing yourself and others.

Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT


My Poem, My Song “Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT” that speaks on fear and faith.

My Tribute to the Late Great Nancy Wilson

I fell in love with music when I first heard Nancy Wilson’s voice at the age of three.  I knew then and there as I stood between my parents in the front seat of the car (no seatbelt laws then) eating boiled eggs as we traveled to Las Vegas that I wanted to sing just like her.  Well I’m an accountant/CPA, but I still love music!  Nancy Wilson may your soul be at peace as you rest in a higher place. Enjoy!

Are You Ready for Love?

I was just listening to the song “I Am Ready For Love” by India Arie and the thought occurred to me, how many people are truly ready for love.  We may “say” that we’re ready but do our actions support our words?  In order to receive Love from outside of ourselves we must first show love to ourselves.  If you treat yourself unkindly such as: placing yourself last in most situations; beating yourself up for something you did or didn’t do; rejecting compliments by showcasing your inadequacies; or simply just not seeing the beauty in You.  All of these actions, fueled by your thinking, creates the environment that you’re not worthy of Love.  And so NO LOVE will appear, NONE.  You really have to show Love to yourself in order to receive Love from others.

Soul Mate versus “Love of Your Life”

The other day I received a text message asking if there is a difference between a Soul Mate and the “Love of Your Life”.  My answer is yes. 

I believe that when you connect with a Soul Mate, your souls immediately know each other because of the energy vibration.    Also there’s this unspoken knowingness that all is good and that Love in all its forms and facets is the only thing that matters.

“Love of Your Life” limits you to this life on this earth.  We speak on falling in and out of Love with others, basing Love on how another person makes us feel (infatuation runs rampant) even though the other person has nothing to do with your loving.

To know Love is to understand God’s Love.  It’s all inclusive, no sorting out what you don’t like.  However please understand that you have the right to choose whether you want to Love close-up or from a distance.

When All Else Fails, Seek Love

When the communication becomes strained, seek out Love.  When anger and confusion consumes you, seek out Love.  When bitter words and gestures are tossed your way, seek out Love.

Love has a way of clearing your path, calming your spirit, and renewing your faith.

Many believe that it’s hard to bring forth Love when they are in the midst of turmoil and pain, but to cultivate and tend to the pain, just so you can continue to feel pain, takes a lot of hard work.  We believe that if we let go of the pain we somehow let the other person off-of-the-hook for causing us the pain.

Well the real truth is: 1) they didn’t cause you pain because they don’t possess that type of power; 2) the pain you carry causes innumerable harm to your body (i.e. high blood pressure, ulcers, etc); 3) the alleged culprit of your pain has probably forgotten all about you and moved on to the next victim; and 4) Seeking Love is so much sweeter.

Love Is…