How to Avoid Messy Situations, Toxic People, and the Ego


Even when doing your best to avoid chaos and toxic individuals, messy situations can still happen. Never loose sight of who you are, and never let others change who you are. Analyze the situation, make the necessary changes and move on.

What Role Do You Play When Negativity Enters Your Life?

I have heard the phrase “the devil is a lie” and that is true.  So what role does your Ego play when negativity enters your life?  Is your Ego a lie too?  My answer would be a resounding YES! 

When you speak of negativity, in your life, as if it’s something outside yourself, you willfully ignore the fact that everything you see in your life you created.  It’s so much easier to project all negativity to something outside yourself, but to recognize your role and consciously choose positive energy takes courage.

Is It My Heart or Is It My Head? Guess I Better Take My Temperature.

As I get questions from different people, I will try and share my responses here on my blog when time allows.

QUESTION:  How does one tell the difference between something God told you, and simply a realization of your own subconscious desires?

I remember telling my mom that I was on the spiritual journey that God presented to me, and her response was that I hope you’re listening to the right God. (smile)

The best way for me to discern whether it’s my Ego trying to stay relevant or the voice of God guiding me, is to take my temperature. 

 When it’s my inner voice, I feel free to act with no attachment to the outcome.  My body literally feels light as a feather.  Everything around me at that precise moment in time feels good.  It’s not an overwhelming feeling of goodness.  Instead it’s a gentle serene sense of goodness.

When I’m coming from my head the first thing I feel is tension in my body.  My mind usually plays out several scenarios trying to cover all bases just in case.  I find myself questioning myself just to make sure that I’m doing the right thing.

One requires Effort while the other requires No Effort.  You be the judge!

Don’t Wait To Do You!

I just read a tweet by Russell Simmons that said “Don’t Wait To Do You”. I understand this so well because each and every day I consciously release the negative self-talk that says “stop wasting your time … this will never work” and I deliberately write my words, speak my truth, paint my pictures and sing my songs. And I will do this as long as it takes to quiet/SHUTDOWN my EGO and freely be Me!