How to Avoid Messy Situations, Toxic People, and the Ego


Even when doing your best to avoid chaos and toxic individuals, messy situations can still happen. Never loose sight of who you are, and never let others change who you are. Analyze the situation, make the necessary changes and move on.

Becoming Transparent


Becoming Transparent involves not reacting to low or negative energy from others. Your critique or judgement of someone else’s energy is non of your “Spiritual Business”. When possible, find a way to harmonize with others.

Be Impeccable

To be Impeccable with your words is to speak your Truth. Your Truth reflects who you are “Right Now” and not who you hope to be based on the world’s expectation of you. Be Impeccable with your words!

Honor Your Body

There’s a saying that you are what you eat, but what about what you absorb into your skin. I’m blogging about this because my sister asked me to do so. She’s currently in the hospital fighting blood poisoning. Blood poisoning… do you get that? Well after doing some research the two most prominent ways is through the lungs and the skin. In my sister’s case, it was the skin.  Seeking to achieve a certain hairstyle, she used a product that immediately started to create discomfort throughout her whole body. After self-medicating for several weeks she checked herself into the hospital and was diagnosed with blood poisoning. She’s currently receiving antibiotics intravenously.

Several weeks prior to this incident I threw out two trash bags full of skin and hair products that contained harmful ingredients. It didn’t matter what it cost me or how much was left in the container, it all went into the garbage.

My lesson is that I AM:

  • What I Eat
  • What I Absorbed Into My Body
  • What I Absorbed Into My Mind

I See Myself and I Give Myself Permission to be Myself

Today I went to see Tyler Perry’s movie “Temptation”.  As I watched the movie I searched for “me, my life situation” in the movie.  I didn’t see me.  Once the movie ended I couldn’t move from my seat for a few minutes, feeling something but not able to recognize what it was.  As I was driving to my favorite store “Target” an overwhelming feeling came over me.  This feeling said “be that person you secretly desire to be right now!”.  Last weekend I attended a Self-Expression/Embracing the Inner You party.  At that gathering I presented my inner Jamaican girl persona, wearing vibrant colors, large earrings, but mostly feeling a sense of freedom to just “Be” within.  What I now realize is that the viewing of this movie allowed me to let-down my guards so that I could hear what I already knew but was reluctant to embrace fully.

Take Off The Blankets

In life we don’t want to be seen as incompetent, weak, or unsuccessful. So when something arises that we deem unacceptable to others we cover it up (with a blanket) so nobody can see it.

As more unacceptable things happen, the more blankets we cover ourselves with. Eventually we are covered in so many blankets that we become over-weighted, over-heated and disoriented.

The only solution is to remove the blankets and expose your True Self. You will feel lighter, cooler and see things so much clearer.

Honor Your Truth (Part II)

I felt the need to expand on this earlier post because it’s really important to live an Authentic Life, in other words to be REAL!

What you THINK is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Head. The head holds all of the information you’ve received, over-time, from your environment, parents, friends, teachers, encounters, and so on. Your mind holds all of this information in its database and when something new or different enters your life, you search your database to generate:
 how should I feel
 what should I do, or not do
 when should I do it, or not do it

What you FEEL is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Heart. The Heart is the portal to where God resides. When you tap into this space and place nothing seems to follow the logic we are accustom to, but at the same time there’s a serene lightness that exist in the body temple that words can’t explain. Everyone has experienced a time (if only briefly) where you just felt good but didn’t know why (with no major changes in your life). That’s the feeling I’m talking about.

You don’t need a preexisting database to live your Truth. You just have to be willing to get out of your Head and into your Heart.