Allow Yourself To Receive Goodness


When you do something nice for others, they will automatically reciprocate that kindness to you or others. This automatic reciprocation is human nature. However many are not comfortable receiving kindness from others. This discomfort could stem from either feeling unworthy, or possibly misunderstanding what it means to be humble. When you accept kindness from others, not only do you win, but the giver wins too!

What You Give Away You Also Get To Keep


At first glance this statement may sound like a contradiction, however The Law of Circulation states all things in the universe are always flowing in circulation, at an ever expanding rate.  What you give to one person, you will receive from a different source.

For example, when purchasing groceries, you can either spend money or circulate money.  To spend means – to use up, consume or dispose of.  To circulate means – to move into a circle or circuit, to pass from place to place and from person to person. 

The choice is yours!