What You Give Away You Also Get To Keep


At first glance this statement may sound like a contradiction, however The Law of Circulation states all things in the universe are always flowing in circulation, at an ever expanding rate.  What you give to one person, you will receive from a different source.

For example, when purchasing groceries, you can either spend money or circulate money.  To spend means – to use up, consume or dispose of.  To circulate means – to move into a circle or circuit, to pass from place to place and from person to person. 

The choice is yours!

Giving From The Overflow

It’s beautiful to give to others, but giving from a depleted mind, body and soul is exhausting. When you give from a half-full cup, or a full-cup for that matter, you have to constantly replenish your cup in order to be an affective giver. The problem is that we become so busy giving to others, that we forget to take care of Self.  As parents we’re nurturing our children, as teachers we’re educating our students, as adult children we’re caring for aging parents, and so on.  We keep telling ourselves that one day “I’ll take time for myself” but time has a strange way of passing by pretty quickly.  So in the meantime, take time to replenish your cup, and once it’s full continue to nourish yourself so that your cup starts to overflow.  The overflow is what you give to others!