Allow Yourself To Receive Goodness


When you do something nice for others, they will automatically reciprocate that kindness to you or others. This automatic reciprocation is human nature. However many are not comfortable receiving kindness from others. This discomfort could stem from either feeling unworthy, or possibly misunderstanding what it means to be humble. When you accept kindness from others, not only do you win, but the giver wins too!

Are You Living From Paycheck to Paycheck, Constantly Trying to Make Ends Meet?

If you recognize yourself in the question above, then it’s time to try something new.

For instance:

  • When you shop for food, clothing, household items and other things, do you spend money?
  • Have you ever complained to your spouse, child, or loved-one about spending too much money?
  • When planning for a special trip or engagement, do you immediately account for money already spent?

If you like to spend, have been spending or just spent your money, then it’s definitely gone, never to return.  However, if you choose to Circulate your money then you will never be without.

I remember many years ago giving up the struggle on chasing the dollar.  I told myself that as long as I chased the dollar I would never catch it, so I decided to surrender and accept all the money that was meant for me.

Just recently I’ve adopted the concept of Circulating my money into the Universe.  Instead of spending my money on groceries I circulate it toward food that will nourish my body and mind.  Instead of spending money on bills, I circulate money towards providing shelter from the outside elements.  Instead of spending money on those “cute shoes”, I circulate money towards the salesperson’s income which helps sustain their household.

When I Circulate it always comes back to me therefore I’m never Without!