Perfection on this Life Journey doesn’t exist but the pursuit of perfection is always obtainable.
As long as we continue to live, we are on a Life Journey. This Journey will present many opportunities disguised as challenges along the way. How we maneuver through these opportunities will determine the type of life we live. Many of us focus on what is wrong with life instead of the fact that we have been given Life. We focus on the lack and limitations, instead of the abundance life provide us on a daily basis (air, sunlight, rain).
When we start to realize that Living is the Journey and that the Journey is the Destination, we will welcome every challenge because it’s an opportunity to move closer to our Perfect Self.
I’ve come to realize this through my life journey….it really helps to live my life from this point of view…it even makes me put life’s daily stresses in another category…I’m teaching my childen the same…Thank You!
You are more than welcome.